Techking 325/95R24 SUPER AM Performs Well in Egypt
2022 - 09 - 291677

In July 2022, the Techking service team and local partner’s sales representatives visited one of the most famous transportation customers in Egypt to check tire performance. This customer owns more than 200 trucks to transport different materials or goods. In the past two years, he ordered hundreds of Techking TBR tires. With a standard and complete tire maintenance procedure, these tires have a much longer service life and can be fully used until scrapped.

According to the specific working conditions, especially for the mix-road condition and 130% load requirement, the Techking service team provided him the tire solution of 325/95R24 SUPER AM. It is designed for all positions and has the following characteristic:

-130% load capacity

Super Stiffy Design

-Longer mileage

Block Bridge Design on tire shoulder for reducing irregular wearing

-Better wear resistance performance

7% Wider Design than tier-one brand

This customer is very satisfied with the performance of Techking 325/95R24 SUPER AM. Compared with the premium brands tire such as brand MI and brand GY that he used before, the service life of Techking tires reached almost 100% of brand GY. Some tires can be retreaded even twice which gives the tire a longer mileage. “The retread capability is even better than that of the brand GY”, he said.

The longer service life brings the customer a lower CPKM. It helps reduce the total tire cost and achieve real savings for him. We appreciate the customer’s trust and will keep providing more valuable and diversified service for all end-users.


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