The end user we introduce in this case study is one of the largest underground phosphate mining companies in China. Before the start of our cooperation in 2017, required by its high mining standards, this company used imported premium-brand tires to have good tire performance and guarantee operational efficiency. These tires perform well but are also very expensive. The high tire costs result in high mining costs.
Therefore, the end user expects a more competitive option which shows similar tire performance but better cost-effectiveness.
According to our on-site inspections, TECHKING 18.00R25 ETSM tires' average final life reached 1848 hours, about 98% of the premium competitor's tires' performance.
Besides similar tire life, the Techking team provided professional on-site services to bring higher operational efficiency and productivity to the end user. Our engineers helped check the inflation pressures of each tire and correct at-risk behaviors by giving tire maintenance training.
In conclusion, by replacing all premium tires with ETSM, the end user can save about 50% of its tire costs annually. Compared with importing from abroad, Techking's localized fast delivery can also help the end user reduce its cost of funds.
Because of our excellent tire performance, localized fast delivery and professional services, our share at this mine has grown to 70% since 2021. By creating value continuously, we are confident that our partnership will be even closer in the future.